Managing Call Reports


A Vendor, on behalf of a financial institution (FI) submits a Call Report to the Central Data Repository (CDR).   The system validates the Call Report, saves it in the CDR, assigns it the appropriate status, and then generates notifications.   Analysts access call report and edit statuses, as well as run various reports to process and analyze the call reports.


Vendors, FIs, and FFIEC Call Analyst

Initial Submission

The CDR identifies if the submission is an ‘original report” based on the period date contained inside the Call Report.   This is the first Call Report for the reporting period received by the CDR.

Revision Submission

A revision submission occurs when a FI files an amended Call Report for the current or prior period.   If there is already a Call Report for the same FI for the same reporting period, the report is a resubmission.   The FI may choose to prepare a resubmission of their own volition, or they may have been advised to do so by an FFIEC Call Analyst.


Notifications are informational emails generated and sent to indicate if the Call Report was received or rejected in the CDR.

  1. Call report Received Notification is sent to the Call Report Submitter (Vendor), the FI Primary Contact and the FI secondary contact.   The notification advises the filer that the Call Report has been successfully received in the CDR.   The notification includes the following:

    1. FI Name
    2. RSSD ID
    3. FDIC Certificate Number
    4. OCC Charter Number
    5. Data Series
    6. Reporting period
    7. Timestamp of submission receipt
    8. Amendment identifier – if this report was processed as a “resubmission”

  2. Call Report Rejected Notification is sent to the Call Report Submitter (Vendor), the FI Primary Contact and the FI secondary contact.   The notification advises the filer that the Call Report was rejected by the CDR.   The notification includes the following:

    1. FI Name
    2. RSSD ID
    3. FDIC Certificate Number
    4. OCC Charter Number
    5. Data Series
    6. Reporting period
    7. Timestamp of submission receipt
    8. Amendment identifier – if this report was processed as a “resubmission”
    9. Reason for rejection
    10. List of failed validity edits – Edit Name and Long Message (plain English and computed values)
    11. List of failed quality edits – Edit Name and Long Message (plain English and computed values)
    12. List of failed reportability edits i.e list of concepts that should have been reported but were missing in the call report.


Call Report Statuses

A Call report can have one of the following status values:

Accepted – The call report was submitted by a financial institution and did not fail any edits in the CDR.

Accepted and Reviewed – The call report has been submitted by the FI, accepted by the CDR and reviewed and approved by a call report analyst. The FI is on the panel of reporters (POR) for the report type of the call report being submitted and the call report including the correct bank identifiers (RSSD ID/Cert Number/OCC Charter Number).

Accepted and Includes Edit Explanations – The call report has been submitted by the FI, accepted by the CDR but it has some quality edit failures with explanations that need to be reviewed by a call report analyst. The FI should be in the panel of reporters (POR) for the report type of the Call report being submitted and the call report including the correct bank identifiers (RSSD ID/ Cert Number / OCC Charter Number).

Accepted and Amendment requested – A call report Analyst has finished reviewing the call report and feels that it is not satisfactory and instructs the bank to resubmit the Call report with the required changes. This status is also used if the call analyst makes manual updates to the call report.

Replaced – If a resubmission is received and accepted by the CDR, the original Call Report is moved into the Replaced state.

Rejected – The FI submitted the Call report but the CDR automatically rejects it because it either failed validity edits, reportability edit, or failed quality edits without accompanying edit explanations submitted.

Rejected reports are stored in the CDR and can be manually overridden in exception situations from rejected to Accepted and Includes Edit Explanations, or Accepted by a Call Analyst Supervisor.

RPT 120 FI Submission Status provides a listing of user defined group of reporters for a user defined period that are on the Panel of Reporter. See Analyst reports.

FIs Call Report not submitted


The FI Call report not submitted query is used to determine those FIs on the Panel of Reporters for a reporting period that have not yet submitted their call report.   All FIs on the Panel of Reporters must submit a call report by a pre-defined date.  


FFIEC Call Analysts

FIs Call Reports not submitted

  1. Go to the following url: https://CDR.FFIEC.GOV/CDR

  2. Click on LOGIN to access the CDR application login screen.

  3. Type in your User Name and Password and click on LOGIN.

  4. From the options across the top of the screen, select Call Reports.

  5. From the options down the left side of the screen, select FIs Call Reports not submitted.

  6. Select the reporting cycle and other options from the selection screen drop down boxes.

    1. Reporting Cycle (required field)
    2. Fed Physical District Code i.e First Federal Reserve District
    3. Assigned Analyst
    4. Regulatory Agency
      1. FDIC
      2. OCC
      3. FRB
  1. Choose search at the top left to run the query.

  2. A successful query will provide you with a listing of the ID RSSD and FI Name for those institutions on the Panel of Reporters that have not yet submitted a call report.

Accessing Call Data


The task of accessing call data is utilized by the call analysts to ensure accurate data is being reported.   This information may also be utilized when assisting other users in retrieving reported data.

Only one reporter can be accessed at a time; however, more than one period may be accessed to compare data which is outlined in the “Compare Current or Prior Period Data” section of this user guide.


Call analysts

Accessing Call Data

  1. Go to the following url: https://CDR.FFIEC.GOV/CDR
  2. Click on LOGIN to access the CDR application login screen.
  3. Type in your User Name and Password and click on LOGIN.
  4. From the options across the top of the screen, select Call Reports.
  5. From the options down the left side of the screen, select Manage Call Reports.
  6. From the task bar along the middle of the page, select View Call Reports List.
  7. Select the ID RSSD for the Institution and Reporting Cycle Name desired.
  8. Select View Call Report.

Compare Current or Prior Period Data


The task of comparing current or prior period data is utilized by the call analysts to ensure accurate data is being reported.   This information allows the call analyst to quickly view the data to determine large fluctuations from a period to period basis.

Only one reporter can be accessed at a time.


Call analysts

Compare Current or Prior Period Data

  1. Go to the following url: https://CDR.FFIEC.GOV/CDR
  2. Click on LOGIN to access the CDR application login screen.
  3. Type in your User Name and Password and click on LOGIN.
  4. From the options across the top of the screen, select Call Reports.
  5. From the options down the left side of the screen, select Manage Call Reports.
  6. From the task bar along the middle of the page, select View Call Reports List.
  7. Select the ID RSSD for the Institution and Reporting Cycle Name desired.
  8. Select View Call Report.
  9. Select Compare Prior Periods.
    1. To view a specific item or schedule, prior to selecting Compare Prior Periods, select the schedule desired and select Show Schedule, then select Compare Prior Periods.

Revision History


The task of viewing the revision history is utilized by the call analysts to determine the number of times as well as the submission dates of revised reports in a quick manner.  

Only one reporter can be accessed at a time.


Call analysts

Revision History

  1. Go to the following url: https://CDR.FFIEC.GOV/CDR
  1. Click on LOGIN to access the CDR application login screen.
  1. Type in your User Name and Password and click on LOGIN.
  1. From the options across the top of the screen, select Call Reports.
  1. From the options down the left side of the screen, select Manage Call Reports.
  1. From the task bar along the middle of the page, select View Call Reports List.
  1. Select the ID RSSD for the Institution and Reporting Cycle Name desired.
  1. Select Call Report Submission Log.

      1. The log provides the information for all of the report submissions for a specified reporter for a specified reporting period.

View or Update Call Data


The task of viewing call data is utilized by the call analysts to ensure accurate data is being reported.   The task of updating the call data allows the call analyst to make updates to the reported data when a resubmission is not possible for the institution.  

It is important to note that call analysts should only update data on rare occasions and should seek the input from the call analyst supervisor prior to making the update.   Once the update is made, the call analyst must enter a note describing the circumstances surrounding the update.

A notification is sent to the institution when the call analyst updates the data.


Call analysts

View or Update Call Data

  1. Go to the following url: https://CDR.FFIEC.GOV/CDR
  1. Click on LOGIN to access the CDR application login screen.
  1. Type in your User Name and Password and click on LOGIN.
  1. From the options across the top of the screen, select Call Reports.
  1. From the options down the left side of the screen, select Manage Call Reports.
  1. From the task bar along the middle of the page, select View Call Reports List.
  1. Select the ID RSSD for the Institution and Reporting Cycle Name desired.
  1. Select View Call Report.
  1. Select the specific item or schedule desired and select Show Schedule.
  1. Enter the desired change into the desired field.
  1. Select Validate to run the edits without storing them.   This step is to ensure that the correct item is being updated.
  1. Select Resubmit to store the update or Cancel to revert to the original data.

View or Update Edit Failures


The task of viewing edit failures is utilized by the call analysts to ensure accurate data as well as suitable explanations are being reported.   The task of updating the edit failures allows the call analyst to make updates to the reported explanations when a resubmission is not possible for the institution as well as change the status of a submission.  

It is important to note that call analysts should only update explanations on rare occasions and should seek the input from the call analyst supervisor prior to making the update.   Once the update is made, the call analyst must enter a note describing the circumstances surrounding the update.

A notification is sent to the institution when the call analyst updates the explanation.


Call analysts

View or Update Edit Failures

  1. Go to the following url: https://CDR.FFIEC.GOV/CDR
  1. Click on LOGIN to access the CDR application login screen.
  1. Type in your User Name and Password and click on LOGIN.
  1. From the options across the top of the screen, select Call Reports.
  1. From the options down the left side of the screen, select Manage Call Reports.
  1. Select the ID RSSD for the Institution and Reporting Cycle Name desired.
  1. From the task bar along the middle of the page, select View List of Edit Failures.
  1. Select the particular edit which you want to view/update the edit failure .
  1. To update the edit failure, select Update.
  1. After an edit is updated, the analyst is prompted with an analyst note.   Enter all relevant information into the note text and select Save Note.   If there is no relevant information, select Cancel .

Reportability Rules

A reportability rule is a mathematical formula that is used to determine which concepts an FI must report or supply values for on an instance document (call report).   Reportability rules follow the same format and rules as the edits.   The primary difference between an edit and a reportability rule is that reportability rules should be calculated before edit rules to determine which concepts need to be collected from the FI.   Another difference is that reportability rules are not used to validate data.

      Examples of reportability rules are:
           Banks with Foreign offices
           Banks with domestic offices only
           Data items specific to a reporting period ( i.e items on reportable in June)          
           Threshold for asset reporting


FFIEC Meta Data Analysts

Reportability rules are assigned to FIs on the Panel of Reporters during the creation of the taxonomy.