Enrollment Overview

This enrollment procedure should be used by any financial institution that formed after March 31, 2005, did not submit a March 31, 2005 Call Report, or has changed contact information since filing the March 31, 2005 Call Report. All other financial institutions must use the Global Enrollment procedures found in the left frame.

The first user account for each organization will be designated as the Delegated Site Administrator (DSA). The DSA is responsible for approving or denying all subsequent user accounts and assigning roles that determine the CDR access rights for the user. Additionally, the DSA will manage the user accounts by activating or de-activating accounts and changing roles. Each organization should set up and maintain two or more DSAs to ensure adequate user support. There is no limit to the number of DSAs that can be assigned.

Process for Enrolling the First DSA

  1.  User submits a Request for an Account.
  2. An FFIEC Security Administrator is notified that an account request has been submitted and will approve or deny the account request and assign roles to the user.  Note: The first user for the organization will be setup as the DSA and will approve, deny, and manage subsequent users for the organization.
  3. The CDR sends an e-mail message to the DSA once the account has been created by the FFIEC Security Administrator.
  4. The DSA will login and complete the Security Awareness Training and access the CDR.

Instructions for establishing additional user accounts can be found in the Subsequent Financial Institution Users section below.

Enrolling the First DSA


Determine who will serve as the Delegated Site Administrator first user account. Determine roles of users including those that will be DSAs.


  1. Go to the url: https://CDR.FFIEC.GOV/CDR

  2. Click on LOGIN to access the User Account screen.

  3. Select Request An Account at the bottom portion of the blue box.

  4. Go to the Financial Institution Enrollment box, Subsequent Financial Institution Users and select Enroll Here.

  5. Review the FFIEC Legal Notice and Privacy Policy and select Accept and Continue.

  6. Enter requested User Account information.
    1. Click the Select Organization to lookup your Organization.
        • Enter the Organization name and click on the Search tab at the top.
        • Identify the Organizational name from the returned search. By clicking on the name, the Organization name will automatically populate in the appropriate box.
    2. Select Yes for the Delegated Site Administrator (DSA) account.
    3. Follow the instructions on the page for creating acceptable user name and passwords.
    4. Secret questions are used for resetting forgotten passwords.
    5. Review and agree to the User Notice and Privacy Policy.
    6. Click Request Your Account tab at the top of the page.

  7. Select Click to Exit at the Registration Completed page.  You will receive an e-mail notification when your account has been created. 

  8. An FFIEC Security Administrator will be notified via email of a new user registration and will review the account request for approval. 

  9. A confirmation e-mail message will be sent to the user when the request has been approved.  A link will be provided to return to the CDR and at that time, you may return to the CDR to login.

  10. Enter User Name and Password at CDR Application Login screen and click on Login.

  11. Complete the CDR Security Awareness Training (SAT) and continue to the CDR Homepage. The account has now been successfully created. Note: SAT training is required annually.

Subsequent Financial Institution Users

Determine additional CDR users from your organization, and what roles, including the DSA role, that they will need. Each user MUST request their own account in their own name. Accounts MUST not be shared.

  1. Click on LOGIN to access the User Account screen.

  2. Select Request An Account at the bottom portion of the blue box.

  3. Go to the Financial Institution Enrollment box, Subsequent Financial Institution Users and select Enroll Here.
  4. Review the FFIEC Legal Notice and Privacy Policy and select Accept and Continue.

  5. Determine if the account should be created as a Delegated Site Administrator.  This should be done in consultation with the first DSA who established the first account for the organization.  If you do not know who the DSA is, please contact the Authorized Officer Signing the Report from the last Call Report filing. 

    Note: In cases where the account was created and the DSA question was answered in error, the DSA can override the account Roles, as described in the Account Request Approval Guidelines section.

  6. Enter requested User Account information.
    1. Click the Select Organization to lookup your Organization.
        • Enter the Organization name and click on the Search tab at the top.
        • Identify the Organizational name from the returned search. By clicking on the name, the Organization name will automatically populate in the appropriate box.
    2. If applicable, select Yes for the Delegated Site Administrator (DSA) account. Otherwise, leave as No.
    3. Follow the instructions on the page for creating acceptable user name and passwords.
    4. Secret questions are used for resetting forgotten passwords.
    5. Review and agree to the User Notice and Privacy Policy.
    6. Click Request Your Account tab at the top of the page.

  7. Select Click to Exit at the Registration Completed page.  You will receive an e-mail notification when your account has been created. 

  8. The DSA(s) for your organization is (are) notified via email of a new user registration and will review the account request for approval.  Refer to Account Request Approval Guidelines (See below). Please note, only DSAs can perform this step.

  9. A confirmation e-mail message will be sent when the request has been approved.  A link will be provided to return to the CDR and at that time you may return to the CDR to login.

  10. Enter User Name and Password at CDR Application Login screen and click on Login.

  11. Complete the CDR Security Awareness Training (SAT) and continue to the CDR Homepage. The account has now been successfully created.

Account Request Approval Guidelines

  1. When a new user submits an account request, the DSA can accept or deny the request. The DSA is notified via e-mail that a user has submitted a registration.

  2.   Review the requested account for the new user by logging on to the CDR at https://cdr.ffiec.gov/CDR. Go to the Administration tab >> User Management >> Requested Accounts and click on the User Name hyperlink.

  3. Approve the request by clicking on Create Account or decline by clicking on Delete Request Account.  If approved, CDR prompts for a verification message. Click Yes.

  4. The DSA must determine the Role(s) the user should be assigned.  There are four roles available and entitlements associated with each role:  

    Delegated Site Administrator Approve or Deny Requested AccountsAssign or Remove Roles
      Edit User Accounts
      Activate or Deactivate User Accounts
      Accept or Deny or Delete Vendor Affiliations
    Call Report Submitter   Access Vendor Affiliation Utilities
      View a facsimile of the submitted Call Report data
      Download test Call Report Data
      Submit Call Report data
    Financial Institution  Access Vendor Affiliation Utilities
      Download Call Report Data
      Download test Call Report data
      Submit Call Report data
      Submit test Call Report data
    Private Facsimile Viewer  View a facsimile of the submitted Call Report
    Test Call Report Submitter  Submit a test Call Report

  5. DSA may Update User Roles or exit the CDR. Only update the requested account to a DSA, if appropriate.  Vendors are encouraged to maintain at least two DSA accounts to ensure adequate user support.

Viewing/Updating User Roles

  1. Go to the following url: https://CDR.FFIEC.GOV/CDR.

  2. Click on LOGIN to access the CDR application login screen.

  3. Type in your User Name and Password and click on LOGIN.

  4. From the options across the top of the screen, select Administration.

  5. From the User Management options down the left side of the screen, select User.

  6. Type in the desired User criteria, and select Search.

  7. Click on the User Name hyperlink.

  8. From the Account Summary page, select Edit Roles.

  9. Add or delete the User roles by checking the User role box, and then select Update User Roles. To view each role’s entitlement description, click on the User role hyperlink.