Downloading Call Report Data


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The FFIEC Reports of Condition and Income (Call Reports) are available for download in Portable Document Format (PDF), Semicolon Delimited Format (SDF), and eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) format.


Special Notice Regarding the Values and Formats of Capital Ratios Presented in Schedule RC-R

The six capital ratio entries in Schedule RC-R (Regulatory Capital), items RCON7273 through RCON7275 and RCON7204 through RCON7206, are displayed as decimal fractions instead of percentages as indicated in the column headings.  Ratio entries in the schedule that reports Loans to Executive Officers prior to December 2006 (RCON7701 and 7702) are also displayed as decimal fractions.  Please see FAQ for additional detail.


Portable Document Format (PDF)

When downloading PDF files, the appropriate extension, .pdf, is applied automatically to a predetermined file name, which may be revised when saving the file. The PDF format allows a file to be opened by an Adobe Acrobat Reader (Version 7.0 or later).  Additional information is available on the FFIEC PDF help page.  To view the PDF document file, open the Adobe Acrobat Reader, and then open the saved file.  Note that, unless the Adobe software’s page scaling is set to minimize page margins, header information at the top of printed PDF pages may be truncated.  If this condition occurs, it may be alleviated by adjusting the Adobe print default.  To make this adjustment, display a facsimile Call Report on screen (e.g., by selecting from a list of institutions resulting from a search) and click on the print icon near the upper left corner of the screen.  Then, in the print dialog box that displays, look at the “Page Scaling” box within the “Page Handling” section.  From the selections in the associated drop down menu, choose “Reduce to Printer Margins” and then click print.


Semicolon Delimited Format (SDF)

When downloading SDF text files, the appropriate extension, .csv, is applied automatically to the file name. The .csv extension allows a file to be opened by a text editor.  To view an SDF text download file, retrieve the saved file by opening a spreadsheet application.  For example, with Microsoft Excel, Import the saved text file as follows:

·         In the “Text Import Wizard – Step 1 of 3” box of Microsoft Excel, select the Delimited radio button in the “Original data type” section, and click the Next button.

·         In the “Text Import Wizard – Step 2 of 3” box, select the Semicolon check box in the Delimiters section, and click the Next button.

·         In the “Text Import Wizard – Step 3 of 3” box, select the General radio button in the “Column data format” section, and click the Finish button. The file will open in the spreadsheet. 


eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL)

When downloading XBRL files, the appropriate extension, .xbrl or .xml, is applied automatically to the file name. The XBRL format will allow an XBRL-aware analysis tool or an XML-aware program to be utilized. Consult the instructions provided with the XBRL-aware analysis program. If an XBRL-aware tool is not available, the XBRL file may be opened using Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 6 or later, or any Internet web browser able to accommodate eXtensible Markup Language (XML) files.


Additional Information on XBRL-formatted Call Report data is available at the XBRL Standards Focus Group page of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) Financial Institution Data (FIND) website. The XBRL download option has received only limited instance validation testing.


XBRL Taxonomy


The zip file contains a set of eXtensible Business Reporting Language Taxonomy files for a data series. The taxonomy for the Call Report facsimile includes the reporting forms (FFIEC 031; FFIEC 041; and FFIEC 051) and the version of the taxonomy in use.  The taxonomies include a common reference (data name that follows the Federal Reserve Board’s Micro Data Reference Manual - MDRM) that incorporates presentation views, business rule formulas, and reporting instructions.


The XBRL taxonomies contain files used by XBRL-aware programs to interpret Call Report data in an XBRL format. Users should consult the instructions of the XBRL-aware program to determine where these files should be placed in order to be utilized by the software. Additional information on XBRL is available at the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) Financial Institution Data (FIND) web site. Should you have questions regarding XBRL, please submit your inquiry to